Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


CatCams Performance Camshafts - Badgerspec



Out of stock


Our Badgerwagen "spec" cams for 1.8t  

Proven in the Seat Ibiza Badgerwagen since 2005

Example "customer" car : S3 2.0 'stroker' GT35, on Stock cams making 451bhp/357lbft and fitting in these "drop in" cams, with no other change, improved power to 564bhp/408lbft a Whopping 113bhp gain, and 51lbft

These cams have been engineered to work with Std Piston clearance cars and with Active VVT also. Dyno tests on smaller frame turbo, k04 hybrid did not yield any gains at all.

Advised to run with suitable valvetrain upgrades but functional on std valve gear also.

These are going to be best suited to larger turbo builds and power levels, GT30+ for example, and power levels already in excess of 400bhp.
