Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


Ecumaster Haldex Drag Racing Controller





Haldex Drag Racing Controller is an essential device for every competitor using a vehicle equipped with a Haldex 4Motion system in drag racing. All the top drivers ( racing audi or VW) of the eastern Europe drag racing are using this device. Designed for use alongside GEN1 Haldex controllers. 

The haldex controller provides possibility of complete engaging during start and automatic disengaging above user selected speed. A huge advantage is the fact that it does not require any additional sensors, which allows the use of 4Motion system in cars without ABS. The device can be successfully used in everyday cars, where rear drive engage can be seamlessly adjusted with a potentiometer.

It can be noted that you're purchasing an ECU Master, after market product that is designed to be wired into the vehicle alongside your existing Haldex Controller.  Instructions can be seen below.

Haldex Wiring Diagram
