Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


Arp 06A 1.8T 20v crank bolt



1 In stock


Product ref : ARP06A01

The crank damper and timing belt driver gear interface is one of the most sensitive issues with the 1. 8T/fsi engine in performance applications. This interface does not have a high safety factor from the factory, and when combined with higher rpm, it can often fail. The loss of timing often causes massive destruction, either bending valves or worse, breaking them off and destroying the valve/head/pistons.


Recently, Integrated Engineering has spent significant time working to improve this interface.

They have launched dowel pin kits which allow the installation of a high strength alloy steel dowel pin to prevent rotation of the joint in the event that friction is overcome. Also, IE have collaborated with ARP to produce this aerospace grade fastener which allows a higher clamping load on the timing belt pulley to be used. This ensures that the joint will not slip and shear the keyway. In addition, these high quality fasteners are far more consistent then the factory pieces. The factory bolts are frequently quite beat up because they are shipped loosely without thread protection- this can lead to erratic clamping loads.


  • Increases clamping force on the gear by 10%
  • Totally reusable
  • Made to the highest quality standards
  • Extremely consistent clamping threads rolled after heat treat

Will fit all late 06A 1. 8T/2. 0T fsi engines.

This is an Integrated Engineering exclusive part, made by ARP
