Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


OTP044 Out-Tank Fuel Injection Pump




Hi OTP044 Out-Tank Fuel Injection Pump - Bosch 0580254044 inc electrical covers

The best alternative in terms of performance and reliability to the original Bosch 0580254044 currently on the market.

Fittings In:- 18x1.5 Female

Fittings Out:- 12x1.5 Banjo One Way Valve Stub

Pump:- P3044.1

Voltage:- 12v

Flow Ltr/Hr (Max):- 378

Flow Ltr/Hr @ 3 Bar (44psi):- 318

Flow Ltr/Hr @ 5 Bar (73psi):- 258

Max Pressure (Bar);- 10.4

Location To Tank (Mtrs) 0.6

Length (mm):- 194mm

Diameter (mm):- 60mm

Weight (Kg):- 1.03kg

