Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


Littco L380X MQB Turbo




The Fragile stock IS38 can be replaced with this uprated Turbo/Supercore with proven 400-430bhp power potential without the reliability issues. The ideal upgrade for "when" your stock IS38 fails and looks like this.....

This turbo is based on the stock IS38 turbo but as been design with a higher flow compressor wheel. A slim nose compressor with a larger inducer allows more airflow but none of the associated surge when the turbo is pushing to high stage 2 boost.

Upgraded thrust bearings, as with all our turbo's, means you can be assured the turbo is reliable as well as better performance rated.

The compressor cover also does not have the teflon soft insert which is known to cause issues with the stock turbos.

VSR balanced to a much higher standard than OE (0.5G max)

We sell this as a complete turbo or as the Supercore (compressor cover and core) so is an ideal replacement for the stock turbo.

This turbo has consistently made over 415bhp and will make over 430bhp on a suitable setups.

Our Stage 2 Map on only 1.6bar boost
