Building 104 EAST, Aston Down Business Park, nr Stroud, Glos, GL68GA

  01285 760707


Littco L560 MQB Ball Bearing Turbo




For "Forged Engine Builds, not advised for stock engines".

The Fragile stock IS38 can be replaced with this top of the range uprated L560 with proven 560bhp+ power potential  The ideal upgrade for "when" your stock IS38 fails and looks like this.....and you fancy some Stage 3 Power. Comes with Actuator.

The L560 is the ultimate IS38 Hybrid.

This turbo uses upgraded and stronger version of the G30/G35 ball bearing pack. Ceramic balls and brass cages allows for higher performance and reliability. 

A custom made turbine wheel, based on the L500 but with a higher flow tip, G30 shaft design and the high flow L500 compressor wheel resulting in the maximum performance from the IS38 housings. 

One of the most consistent and reliable ball bearing hybrids on the market. 500bhp is achieved below 1.8bar and 620bhp is achieved around 2.2bar all whilst keeping shaft speed much lower than the competitors.

(Suitable for forged engines)

  • Custom 55mm Billet compressor wheel
  • Custom 9 blade turbine with a larger exducer for better flow and efficiency
  • Custom made turbine housing, made specifically for us and made in the same stainless steel material as the original
  • Custom compressor cover, made of solid aluminium ( no oem insert)
  • CNC machined housings to exact specifications
  • Ceramic G25 ball bearing Cartridge, with upgrade brass cages. 

Littco's latest Ball Bearing IS38 hybrid. Based on the L500 but with an aggressive compressor wheel, this turbo is designed for spool and flow. We have achieved 2bar boost by 3500rpm, with the transient response on gear change improved due to the highly efficient ball bearings used in this turbo. The high flow 9bladed turbine wheel offers huge potential for power and this exact wheel has been test to over 650bhp on other platforms.
